Monday, 17 December 2012
***Today's Sponsors***
Do you wish you knew...
• A way to have enough motivation to get your dream body even if you're stressed out, busy, or have a million excuses? Tip #3 reveals the truth about how to tap into your brain's motivational drives to make sure you never fail to reach a resolution again!
• The #1 cause of failure that almost no other fitness programs even mention? Tip #4 reveals the one thing that keeps people from losing weight and getting healthy more than anything else along with a step-by-step method to make sure this one thing never sabotages your results!
• How to get your best night of sleep ever? Tip #5 reveals something that modern research has just discovered in the past couple years and normalize your circadian rhythms and help you sleep like a baby your first night using it - Hint: It's NOT a supplement!
• A way to reprogram your genetics? Tip #6 reveals what modern research shows can actually reprogram your genes and grow your brain to be healthier, happier, and even smarter!
• A force that is stronger than willpower? Tip #10 reveals the one thing you need to manage that is more critical to your success than willpower!
• How to overcome food cravings and emotional eating? Tip #12 reveals a simple "brain hack" to stop junk food cravings and binge eating - instantly!
• The root source of all of your behaviors? Tip #15 reveals what this is so when you change this, your entire life will change!
• A way to make healthy meals from scratch - in 5 minutes? Tip #16 reveals a cooking trick for making meals that are tastier, cheaper, easier, and FASTER than fast food!
• The best way to get organic food at a discount? Tip #20 reveals a little known known sources to get the healthiest organic quality foods at wholesale prices!
• The missing ingredient to good health? Tip #25 reveals the best way to get this into your body, and it's by doing something only certain cultures on this planet do regularly!
• The best ways to prevent sickness from ever ruining your life? Tip #33 reveals unusual secrets to having a super immune system that can fight off any infection!
• The top 5 supplements you must take for ideal health? Tip #37 reveals the essential nutrients you're likely missing that can all be replaced for less than the price of a cup of coffee a day!
• The truth about detoxing? Tip #38 reveals whether detoxing is fact or fiction, and what has really been proven to detoxify heavy metals and toxins from the body safely and effectively!
• A way to get "dumbbells" for a few dollars? Tip #41 reveals how to get adjustable weights for resistance training that only costs a few dollars and are available anywhere! (You've probably NEVER seen anything like this!)
• The most effective exercise routines to rapidly burn fat that only take minutes a week? Tip #44 reveals brutally effective workouts to burn fat fast!
• What to do if you have almost no time to exercise? Tip #45 reveals how to cut your exercise time down into half while increasing your fat loss and muscle building results!
Do you wish you knew how to have more motivation, less stress, faster fat loss, less aches and pain, complete emotional freedom, more money saved, and more time to enjoy your life all while enjoying the body of your dreams?
You're about to discover how to have all of these things and more with these 50 valuable tips you're not going to find in all the other "me too" generic and boring health and fitness books that rehash the same old tips you've heard a million times before.
This guide is pure cutting-edge content from someone who has spent the past nine years and thousands of hours of research testing and refining what really works to bring you only the best of the best health, fitness, muscle building, and weight loss tips you'll ever find!

When Justin Hall, a Canadian Intelligence Service agent, is captured by terrorists in Libya during a rescue operation, he is left with only his mind games to escape certain death.
The bonus content includes the prologue and the first four chapters of Arctic Wargame and the prologue and the first four chapters of Tripoli's Target, the second book in this series, which came out on October 4.

There are many clues and many suspects, including hotel staff, valley residents, and the mysterious foreigners who come from the Eastern Seaboard for skiing. There are also many types of danger—icy roads, sub-zero temperatures, and a killer who doesn’t care how many people die in the attempt to make sure the right ones do.

Within just a few weeks, Kate and Kay found themselves on a plane on the way to the adventure of a lifetime:
- seeing the gorgeous snow-capped Himalayas in person so close that it seemed that Kate could just reach out her hand to touch them
- trekking for days into areas that only the most adventurous travelers ever reach.
What Kate learned about herself during the challenging and sometimes excrutiating, but always stimulating, adventure of trekking at high altitude over rough terrain truly transformed her in ways that often did not become apparent until many years later.
Follow along with Kate as she learns more about how to expand her limits so that she can truly fulfill her dream. And maybe you will find yourself motivated to fulfill your dream as well.
At the end, read a sample of Kate's book How To Find The Heart Of Bali, an introductory guide to social and cultural Bali.

Besieged with universal wallops and cosmic coshes, Lee tries to come to terms with his autistic son’s worsening condition while finding himself knee-deep in divorce, unemployment and financial disaster.
He’s a man in personal crisis, struggling on an island in economic crisis, during the Global Financial Crisis – not an enviable position! However, despite the multitude of omnipotent foes, he discovers that he himself may in fact be his own worst enemy...

Haunted by memories of his massacred settlement, sixteen year old Weaver seeks cover in a hidden refuge among the remains of a ruined city once known as Toronto. In the midst of building a new life, Weaver discovers he can do something strange: cast dreams into reality. Convinced it’s just an anomaly, Weaver ignores it. That is until he learns of a mysterious man who harnesses the ability to animate nightmares into existence; the very man who ruined his world.
Life couldn’t possibly get any worse. Or perhaps, it could...

This book is intended to be read by adults and may be unsuitable for children under 17. Contains indecent language and descriptions of graphic violence.

We started off our marriage just like anybody else. We didn't have much debt but as we kept make stupid mistake after stupid mistake we realized that we had gotten ourselves into almost $65,000 in debt.
We did almost every stupid thing you could do with money from credit cards, to car loans, student loans and a little of everything in between.
We finally realized that we needed to get ourselves out of the mess we got into and got ourselves on a plan. It took quite a few years but we were finally able to pay off all of our debts and become completely debt free. The ending of our debt journey is a fun surprise.

Angela Reilly doesn’t like being an Angel. She’d much prefer to be the bride she was on the day she died. Instead of the life she’d dreamed of, she gets to watch her heartbroken husband fall to pieces in the year after her death, without a hope of offering comfort.
Lucen Bright is new angel Angela’s mentor, a job he’s finding increasingly difficult as he falls in love with his ward. Tasked with helping Angela move on in the afterlife, he must be there for her as her husband falls in love with someone new – not an easy task considering he tried to kill the man who replaced him in his own wife’s affections.
Romance’s flame flickers as Lucen and Angela grow closer. But when her husband Tom dies, will Angela re-unite with the love of her life – or pledge herself to the love of her afterlife?
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