Genre – Erotic Horror (R)
Book Excerpt from Consumed by Love by Pavarti K Tyler
Slicing the knife through the skin and muscle of a human thigh is not difficult. Enough Novocain and Oxycodone evaporates the pain. The first time it’s difficult to believe how hard it is to push the blade through the layers of thick muscle. Eventually it, like so many other things, becomes a habit. It’s simply something that needs to be done.
Hugo had never been close to his father. Ever since the old man had died, however, he hadn’t been feeling right.
His mind was disorganized, unable to stay focused on any topic for more than ten minutes at most, causing him to miss deadlines at work. Hugo talked in his sleep and lost his appetite. Eventually, the only thing he could convince his sensitive digestive system to eat was his wife’s meatloaf. He’d been losing weight rapidly and his normally bronze skin was ashen and hung limply from his bones. Just an inch below six-foot, he had an athletic build. Yet, as his muscles wasted away, he looked much older than twenty-nine.
His wife Bree was worried, too. When she asked Hugo about it, he ignored her, pretending that nothing was wrong. He would kiss her on the lips and ask what was for dinner with a strained smile before excusing himself to the bathroom. Once there, he would curse at his reflection, never knowing that his wife was listening in the other room with tears in her eyes.
As the weeks slipped by, Hugo became little more than a stranger, detached. Bree would wake in the middle of the night, alone in bed, to find him staring up at the moon through the window, as if it were speaking directly to him.
Skin easily pulls away from the flesh, having already been carefully separated from the muscles and nerves of the leg. The flap of skin is vestigial, only the casing of what had once lain underneath. Now it helps to conceal and protect the next section for removal. Necessity demands the sacrifice — love will reward it.
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