Saturday, 18th August 2012
Readers - Please note that listed prices are accurate at the time of posting and are subject to change. Availability and prices may differ from country to country.
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How To Find A Job When There Are No Jobs by Paul Rega
Genre - Job Hunting & Careers (PG13)
4.6 (47 reviews)
FREE 19th August 2012
Paul Rega is president of a retained executive search firm he founded in 1985 and a professional recruiter with over twenty-eight years of job hunting and career planning experience. His provocative new book strikes a nerve with millions of displaced workers and goes well beyond the principles of job hunting. Paul introduces a revolutionary new concept in career management and personal development called "Intuitive Personal Assessment." He takes his readers on a powerful journey as he tells a gripping story about his own career and the challenges faced as an executive recruiter, often fraught with personal tragedy. This is a must read for anyone who is looking for a new job or wants to change careers in the worst economy since the Great Depression.
The author shares his vast knowledge of career planning and the inner workings of the job search process, citing hundreds of proven and effective job search techniques. He explains how to market your background to a targeted audience, interviewing skills and techniques, network building strategies, how to utilize personal and business contacts, effective use of social media, including LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter, insider tips on working with headhunters, salary and benefits negotiation, how to write a resume, cover and follow-up letters, how to start and succeed in your own business and much more.
In a message to his readers, Paul believes that despite the many challenges faced by those suffering as a result of the weak job market, change in one's life can be positive. He explains that, "Change throughout your life is inevitable, and as your life changes so often does your career." His book is an effective guide that will provide you with the necessary tools, skills and inside knowledge from a professional recruiter to help you navigate through difficult economic times and find a new job or change careers.

No Cost Fitness Routines by Cornel Chin
Genre - Health / Fitness (G)
3.9 (9 reviews)
FREE 19th August 2012
Even in times as tough as these, you can still shape up like a celebrity, and you can do it without having to earn a celebrity paycheck. With over twenty years of experience in the field of fitness, Cornel Chin has used his unique training methods to train the likes of Leonardo DiCaprio, Colin Firth, Audrey Tautou, and Tilda Swinton. Now, with this book, he unlocks the keys to low-cost or no-cost exercise solutions.
As a gym member, you’ll spend an average of 3% of your annual salary on the cost of your yearly membership. For many people, this is a high cost that can no longer be afforded or justified. With this book, you can still achieve that “drop dead gorgeous” celebrity body you’ve always admired and desired without having to break the bank.
Master of Paradise by Virginia Henley
Genre - Historical Romance (PG)
3.8 (17 reviews)
FREE 20th August 2012
When Nicholas Peacock is cheated from his inheritance of Peacock Hall in Kent, he sails to South Carolina. He buys land, clears it, and plants cotton. Eventually he builds a magnificent house known as Paradise Plantation. He falls in love with the daughter of Bernard Jackson on the neighboring plantation, but when Civil War threatens circumstances force him to agree to a marriage in name only. The sexual tension is stretched to breaking point as the would-be lovers are torn between honor or surrendering to the love and longing in their hearts.

The Busy Writer's Self-Editing Toolbox
Genre - Reference (G)
4.9 (8 reviews)
FREE today
In today's publishing world, it is vitally important that authors understand how to edit and polish their own work. This is true whether you're publishing your own work, or giving it a final spit and polish ready for the eyes of an editor in a publishing house.
These are the facts:
- If you send your book to a publisher, and it needs a lot of work, an editor may abandon it in favour of a novel by a different author - even if she prefers your story. Times are tough, and many editors are taking on a heavier load. They can't afford a novel that needs extensive editing. That's why you need to have your story as close to perfect as possible.
- If you are an 'indie' (independent) writer, and you're publishing your own book, it even more important that your work is of a high standard. It's a competitive world out there. To give yourself the best chance of success, you need to ensure that there is nothing to distract the reader from your story.
- Editing a manuscript involves far more than doing a spelling and grammar check and fixing up a sentence here and there that doesn't flow. You need to know (a) the common mistakes that authors make (so you can avoid them or fix them) and (b) all the things that can affect a reader's opinion of your book.
Sure, you can pay an editor or proofreader to go through your book - but that can get expensive and you miss the opportunity to improve the plot and develop your characters.
How The Busy Writer's Self-Editing Toolbox Will Help You
In this handy self-editing guide, you will discover:
- How colour-coding can give you an instant snapshot of any problems with repetitive phrases, dull dialogue, style and tone, and problems with person or tense
- Common errors made with viewpoint, and how to fix them
- Important understandings about viewpoint
- How to edit and polish dialogue so it sounds natural
- The DOs and DON'Ts of writing dialogue
- How "too much" of anything can ruin your story and alienate your readers
- General tips on building your skills
You will find that with the Self-Editing Toolbox at your elbow, you will understand exactly what you need to do so your story moves from being just average to one that wins you a loyal band of readers.
If you're a beginner, then The Busy Writer's Self-Editing Toolbox will save you hours of time - and probably quite a few rejections. If you're more experienced, then you can just dip into the Toolbox for whatever you need to help you with those problem areas.
The Fighter King by John Bowers
Genre - Military Science Fiction (R)
5.0 (5 reviews)
FREE until 19th August 2012
Oliver Lincoln III, is a young man who identifies as pacifist, even though his father runs a major arms company known for its excellent space fighters. To Oliver's way of thinking, such craft should only be used for planetary defense. The novel's main plot takes Oliver from his native Terra (which seems to be the future Earth) to one of the many planets humans have colonized, Sirius. He's there to sell his company's fighters to the Sirian military. While there, Oliver comes to suspect that the Sirians have designs on another human-colonized planet, Vega. As the plot progresses, Oliver moves away from his pacifist impulses.
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