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The Tale Of Elphis: A Fantasy Story of a Young Warrior by James E. Morgan
Genre - Fantasy Adventure
Rating - G
4.0 (3 reviews)
FREE until 20th August 2012
This Fantasy Adventure Story is about a young man who has been raised to become a warrior by his father. They both lived in seclusion until they were attacked in their hunting grounds. His father’s dying wish is for him to find his mother and retrieve her from her abductors, and from then on, he adventured around the globe in hopes of fulfilling his late father’s request. He was endangered in one of his travels however, and this led him to an encampment that will take him in as one of their own. Do they know where his mother could be found?
Why Quantum Physicists Don't Get Fat by Greg Kuhn
Genre - Weight Loss/Self Help
4.7 (27 reviews)
FREE until 24th August 2012
Finally say goodbye to unwanted weight!
1. Have you tried to lose weight only to wind up
gaining it all back (and more)?
2. Have you repeatedly dieted and been unsuccessful
at losing your unwanted weight?
3. Are you tired of trying to hide your weight gains
from family and friends because weight loss plans
just don’t seem to work for you?
If you answered “yes” to any of those questions, you’re no different than millions of Americans; you’ve been frustrated by your seeming inability to lose your unwanted weight. It might surprise you, though, to learn that the specific diets you’ve tried aren’t the problem. Would it surprise you further to learn that YOU definitely aren’t the problem either?
The problem is not the weight loss plans and neither is it you. The problem is the science! The diets you’ve tried have failed you because they are based on old, outdated science. Science that has, in fact, been replaced, right under your nose, by an amazingly accurate and incredibly reliable one called quantum physics.
Why Quantum Physicists Don’t Get Fat will teach you, in simple, everyday language, to unlock the awesome power of quantum physics to inject any weight loss plan with nitroboosting rocket fuel. You’ll quickly find that the great-feeling, slender body you’ve dreamed of is just around the corner!

Beauty Gone Wild! Herbal Recipes for Gorgeous Skin & Hair by Diane Kidman
Genre - Non-fiction/Health
Rating - G
4.9 (9 reviews)
FREE until 23rd August 2012
Tired of forking over large amounts of money for fancy-pants lotions, creams, hair care products, and perfumes? Want to get rid of your cupboard of chemical cocktails disguised as deodorants and toothpaste? In Beauty Gone Wild! (Volume II of the Herbs Gone Wild! Series) you'll learn how to save a ton of money while avoiding harmful ingredients by making your own herb-basedbeauty care products. The instructions are easy, the ingredients pure and natural. The best part? It's fun. And the results are phenomenal. The moisturizing cream recipe alone is worth the read!
The Delta Chain by Iain Edward Henn
Genre - Thriller
Rating - PG
3.9 (8 reviews)
FREE until 22nd August 2012
The body of a young woman is washed ashore on a secluded beach. She does not fit the description of anyone on Missing Persons lists. Fingerprints, dental records and DNA provide no leads.
Detective Adam Bennett discovers a pattern of similar cases - unidentified bodies found along the coasts of Australia and the United States, and he is determined to solve the mystery.
These are six young men and women who seem to have never existed.
When her brother meets a terrifying death in the wilderness, Kate Kovacs employs her IT skills to help track the killers. A baffling link is found between these two cases, leading Adam and Kate on a labyrinth trail to a scientific research centre, to a Washington power elite, and to a secret reaching back over thirty years to a war-ravaged Vietnam.
Ruthless forces are gathering, and they will stop at nothing to keep the secret hidden. Adam and Kate just became their targets...
45 Ways to Excellent Life by Blythe Ayne, Ph.D.
Genre - Meditation/Self Help
Rating - G
5.0 (5 reviews)
FREE until 23rd August 2012
Beautifully illustrated, 45 Ways to Excellent Life by the award winning author, Dr. Blythe Ayne, contains 45 "action meditations" to enrich your life. It's a great book for anyone who wants to begin meditation but doesn't know where to start, as well as the person who has meditated for years.
Chakra Meditation: A Down To Earth Guide For Healing Chakras and Balancing Chakras by Julie Schoen
Genre - Health, Yoga, and Meditation
Rating - PG
5.0 (3 reviews)
FREE until 20th August 2012
How would you like to unlock the secrets behind the ancient science of chakras through powerful, easy to learn meditations?
If not addressed, the imbalance of chakras will lead to serious issues that often force people to take a backseat to life and even resort to drugs and alcohol. Do not underestimate the chakras’ ability to heal and transform your life. Learn to harness their energy and clear a path in your body for success and happiness to flow.
This step-by-step guidebook takes you through an exploration of each chakra, followed by effective meditation techniques to both heal and balance your body's energy centers. Not your typical chakra book, Chakra Meditation: A Down To Earth Guide For Healing Chakras and Balancing Chakras, steers clear of bizarre, inexplicable concepts by focusing on aspects of the chakra system that can be quickly mastered by any beginner regardless of faith or religious background. From years of teaching experience, the author, a seasoned yogi and yoga instructor, captivates the reader through her knowledge and ability to explain a complicated science while making it accessible for anyone who would like to receive the profound benefits of healing and balancing their chakras.

Legacy of Blood, A Futuristic Vampire Thriller by Daphne J. Riordan
Genre - Urban Fantasy
Rating - PG13
4.7 (6 reviews)
FREE until 21st August 2012
Twenty years after a pandemic wiped out a third of the population, data analyst Jackie Fournier searches for the location where the disease first appeared. It seems like a fairly mundane assignment until she's attacked in a dark parking lot by a man claiming to be a vampire. But how is that possible? Everyone knows vampires don’t exist.
Meanwhile, certain factions in the government find out what Jackie's been hired to do, and want it stopped. They arrange to shut down the project and send a secret agent/assassin to make sure she stops digging.
Then vampires start dying from a disease that looks eerily like the one from the pandemic. Jackie must stay one step ahead of danger while tracking down not just the source of the pandemic twenty years ago, but the reason the vampires have started dying now. Can she unravel the mysteries before she runs out of time?
What Happens in Vegas... An Empire of Blood by Robert S. Wilson
Genre - Horror/Dark Fantasy
Rating - PG13
4.4 (10 reviews)
FREE until 1st January 2013
When Jackie took her little sister, Karen, for a joy ride into Necropolis without telling her where they were really going, she only meant to have a good time. Give her a little scare. A desolate shell of its former self, Sin City still holds a certain temptation for those who like to gamble. But when the residents of the city awaken, what happens in Vegas... well, you know the rest.
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