Wednesday, 22nd August 2012
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What Doesn't Kill You by Simon Wilson
Genre - Biographies & Memoirs
Rating - PG
I was just a regular eight year old kid with a dad who worked abroad. “There are no decent schools in Baghdad,” I was told by my parents, and so they shipped me off to a top UK independent boarding school.
'What Doesn’t Kill You' is a sometimes sad, sometimes horrific and sometimes humorous account of my first year at boarding school beginning in September 1971.
In the days before the abolishment of corporal punishment, this expensive school found many opportunities to wield slippers, canes, plimsolls or just hard flat hands for the slightest of reasons. By today’s standards it would be called barbaric. Did we suffer? - Yes we did. Did we behave? - Mostly. Did we learn? – Yes we did.
Having read several ‘true’ stories of inner city schools in England today, I thought it was time for people to have the opportunity to find out how we fared in an ‘old school’ system.
This was a strict regime where if you didn’t have friends, your life was a living hell; where telling tales would get your lights punched out; where talking after lights out resulted in six of the best on your bare behind with a hard-soled slipper; where talking back to teachers meant you couldn’t sit down for hours. This was my home.
Is the return of this type of school the answer? You decide.
Is it all true? As far as I can remember, yes. But as this all took place over forty years ago, some of the details are a little blurry. I can say that I have written every detail exactly the way I remember it.

Intuition & Psychic Ability: Your Spiritual GPS by Jennifer O'Neill
Genre - NonFiction / ESP
Rating - PG
Discover something Scientists have been trying to understand for years...the "true reason" behind intuition and psychic ability! Whether you consider yourself a beginner or advanced, "Intuition & Psychic Ability: Your Spiritual GPS" will answer questions you probably didn't even know you had.
- Learn how your psychic senses are most likely already affecting you and your life.
- Find out how to harness and develop your own psychic ability.
- Packed full of information and exercises, you will begin to understand how to use your intuition and psychic ability in a way which you have never known before.
- You might have a psychic gift you never even knew about...until now!
- The purpose of this book is to educate you, and help you to effectively develop this ability in such a way that will enhance your everyday life. Allowing you to live your life the best way possible!
Energy Vampires: How to Deal With Negative People by Jennifer O'Neill
Genre - Nonfiction/Emotion and Feelings
Rating - PG-13
Who exactly do energy vampires and negative people affect? Simple ... Everybody!
So what is an energy vampire? You've probably heard the term "energy vampires" before, especially if you're at all interested in psychic ability or psychic development. But what exactly are energy vampires? They're not real vampires. Well, I guess they're real vampires, but not like the ones you see in Twilight ... "Energy vampires" feed upon your energy. In other words, their primary target is your spiritual body, not your physical body.
"Energy vampires" are people who constantly draw upon other people's energy in order to help "recharge" their own system.
So what do energy vampires and negative people have in common?
They essentially do the same thing. They draw upon your energy, and they will have a very profound effect on your system, both spiritually and physically. Many times, they will wear you down to the point of exhaustion. However, unless you're aware of what is happening, you may not even notice the effects these people are having in your life, on a day-to-day basis.
Empaths, this is the book for you!
Empaths are very susceptible to "energy vampires" more so than most other people. More and more people are discovering they are empaths in this new consciousness area. You may even be one and never knew it, until now. How do you find out if you are an empath? By reading this book!
In The Book Find Out:
- How to spot an "energy vampire"
- What to do if you if you are surrounded by negative people
- How to tell if you are an empath!
- How to protect yourself if you are an empath
- What effects "energy vampires" have on your spiritual and physical health
- How to live in a world filled with "energy vampires"
- And the very vampire first aid!
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