Saturday, 25 August 2012

Orangeberry FreeMe #64

Saturday, 25th August 2012

Readers - Please note that listed prices are accurate at the time of posting and are subject to change. Availability and prices may differ from country to country. 

Authors - If you would like your book(s) to be included in this daily listing, please click HERE

Bad Blood: A Vampire Thriller by J.R. Rain, H.T. Night and Scott Nicholson
Genre - Paranormal fantasy
Rating - PG-13
4.1 (18 reviews)
FREE until 27th August 2012

They call him Spider.

And people come to him when they have a problem. So when teenager Parker Cole approaches Spider at night school, he figures she's just another problem waiting to happen. But then she tells him about her father, who runs a cult called Cloudland based at the foot of mystical Mount Shasta, California.

And then she tells Spider about her best friend, who is now dead, her body completely drained of blood. Spider wonders if the death is the work of a fellow vampire...or if he's now the target of a sinister game designed to lure him to Cloudland, where darker mysteries await.

A vampire thriller from three bestselling authors: J. R. Rain of the Vampire for Hire series, H.T. Night of Vampire Love Story, and Scott Nicholson of The Red Church. Bad Blood includes two bonus short stories, three sample chapters, and a clickable Table of Contents.

Fear The Dark by Martin P Kerrigan 

Genre - Horror 
Rating - MA
4.4 (22 reviews)
FREE until 25th August 2012

Winner of the Dream Realm Award for Horror.
AKA: Uluru Dreaming

From distant space the beyond gods of darkness have come.
To feed...
To destroy...
To crush the earth.

For in the darkness there are things.
Evil things.
Hateful things.
Hungry things.

And there are some people who eat darkness.

In a land you have never imagined.
In a place you have never been.
An old warrior and a young woman must find a way to
defeat the minions of the dark.
A powerful, shape changing monster created of earth ,
agony, death and blood.
And an enemy of savage depravity.
More than human...
And less.
Eaters of darkness.

There are many ways to die...
And the darkness knows them all.

If you have never been afraid of the dark...
You will be.

Fear The Dark!

The Dead Love Longer by Scott Nicholson 
Genre - Paranormal mystery
Rating - PG-13
4.4 (41 reviews)
FREE until 26th August 2012

Private investigator Richard Steele must solve his most difficult case ever—his own murder—while caught between women on both sides of the grave. His lover Lee is tangled up in the mess he left behind, and his dead ex-wife Diana has been waiting on the other side for her chance at revenge.

In a race against time as his spirit slips away, Richard confronts his many, many failings and faces a power beyond his understanding--love. His only weapon is faith, and he's running out of bullets.

It's going to be a hell of a final showdown.

Kimi's Secret by John Hudspith 
Genre - Fantasy/Adventure 
Rating - PG
5.0 (16 reviews)
FREE until 29th August 2012
With a deformed hand, an affection for animal skulls, and a soft spot for Marmite, Kimi always knew she was different - but never how much until she’s thrown into the supernatural dimension of Heart, given powers beyond comprehension, a mission to alter the past, and a secret which must never be revealed.

Feria - A Spanish Comedy by N.E. David 
Genre - Fiction/Humour 
Rating - G
4.9 (12 reviews)
FREE until 27th August 2012
It’s late September and in the little town of Orecha it is time for the annual festival. But a terrorist has hijacked the paella van, the Chief of Police is drunk and The Mayor is having an affair with a flamenco dancer – all of which leaves Pepe in charge. Pepe – young, handsome, and desperately in love with Rosita...

Every Why by Shirley Ford
Genre - General Fiction 
Rating - G
4.0 (7 reviews)
FREE until 26th August 2012
Looking across the vast expanse of lawn towards the padlocked gates, Susan wondered where it was all going to end. Drawn together with five other women under unusual circumstances, it was now time to discover the secrets held at Dunnbray. A thrilling story of intrigue and a life changing opportunity.

The Eden Plague (Plague Wars Volume 1) by David VanDyke
Genre - Thriller/Sci-fi/Military
Rating - PG-13
4.5 (4 reviews)
FREE until 26th August 2012

Special operations veteran DJ Markis finds armed invaders in his home and it all goes sideways. On the run from the shadowy Company, he turns to his brothers in arms to fight back. Soon he finds himself in possession of a secret that threatens the stability of the world, and becomes the leader of a conspiracy to change everything.

The Eden Plague is a science-fiction military techno-thriller in the tradition of Crichton, Koontz and Heppner.

The Eden Plague is the first of the Plague Wars series, by David VanDyke.

The second book, titled "The Demon Plagues," is available now. Look for it at your favorite e-bookseller.

Crash Gordon and the Mysteries of Kingsburg by Derek Swanson
Genre - Paranormal Mystery
Rating - R
4.2 (5 reviews)
FREE until 26th August 2012

Easter Sunday, 1973: Just before dawn in Kingsburg, California, six-year-old Gordon Swannson, asthmatic boy genius, gets his ass kicked by a spectral Easter Bunny-an event that sends his already hyperactive imagination spiraling toward paranoia. Gordon becomes convinced that ghosts and other weird entities inhabit a daimonic reality that can interact with our everyday world. He starts seeing mystery and danger everywhere in his isolated farming community. He even thinks his best friend, Jimmy, might be possessed by demons....

June 7th, 1979: Reality catches up with Gordon's worst imaginings on the day after his thirteenth birthday, when his father dies by crashing a Cessna into the living room of their house. Gordon sets out to discover whether the plane crash was an accident or something far more sinister. Before he finds the answer, he'll experience puberty, Pink Floyd, trout fishing, lesbian vampire movies, and midnight cliff-diving with the Hell's Angels-all while learning to cope with the trauma-induced narcolepsy that inspires his nickname, Crash Gordon....

Halloween, 1982: Gordon meets Jimmy's Uncle Lloyd, an obscenely rich insurance broker to the rocket industry who makes Woodward and Bernstein's Deep Throat look like a low-level bureaucrat. With Lloyd acting as their demented mentor, Gordon and his friends embark on a road trip to the Esalen Institute in Big Sur. Along the way, Lloyd lectures them about such diverse topics as hypnotism, assassination theories, MK-ULTRA, COINTELPRO, and the kidnapping of Patty Hearst; serial killers, satanic sacrifices, interdimensional energy portals, and the remote viewing program at the Stanford Research Institute; shamanism, ayahuasca, Terence McKenna's tryptamine-fueled encounters with the Logos, and the role "future causality" plays in the world's current fate. And that's only a prelude to Lloyd's startling explanation of how Gordon and Jimmy have become unwitting participants in a CIA mind control experiment known as Project MONARCH. 

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Books Sold - 6 Nov 2011 to 31 May 2012

Some of you have asked me for my total number of books sold to evaluate KDP Select so here it is. Bear in mind, that results will vary based on genre and author. Good luck and remember, Keep Moving Forward.

Total - 120,836

1. Excuse Me, My Brains Have Stepped Out
Amazon Kindle - 42,559
Paperback -
Smashwords -

2. Frequent Traveller
Amazon Kindle - 35277
Paperback -
Smashwords -

3. Dora's Essentials - Books, Blogs & Smiles 1
Amazon Kindle - 462
Smashwords -

4. Mirror Me Martha (Short Story)
Amazon Kindle - 281
Smashwords -

5. Drive On Hope (Short Story)
Amazon Kindle - 190
Smashwords -

6. Blog-A-Licious Directory 2012
Amazon Kindle - 1
Smashwords -

7. Pandora's Reading Room 1
Amazon Kindle -
Paperback - N/A

8. The Cat That Barked (Short Story)
Amazon Kindle -

9. Dora's Essentials - Examining Anxiety
Amazon Kindle -

10. Dora's Essentials - Books, Blogs & Smiles 2
Amazon Kindle -

11. Elevenses from Around the World
Amazon Kindle -

12. Genetically Modified Foods vs. Sustainability
Amazon Kindle -

Blog-A-Licius - Sherbet Blossom



Dealightfully Frugal

Blog-A-Licious - The Few, The Proud, The Wife


My Soul Slippers

Blog-A-Licous - Textbook Mommy

Blog-A-Licious - Blue Frogs Legs

Blog-A-Licious - Pretty All True

Pretty All True

Blog-A-Licious - tbaoo



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Blog-A-Licious - The Invisible Art

Blog-A-Licious - Rediscovering Domesticity

Rediscovering Domesticity

Blog-A-Licious - Quiver Full

Blog-A-Licious - Cori's Big Mouth

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Awarded by Kriti Mukherjee

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Awarded By Roy Durham

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