Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Orangeberry FreeMe #88

Tuesday, 18th September 2012

Readers - Please note that listed prices are accurate at the time of posting and are subject to change. Availability and prices may differ from country to country. 

Authors - If you would like your book(s) to be included in this daily listing, please click HERE

***Today's Sponsor***
More Water, Less Meat by Bruno McGrath
Genre - NonFiction / Conservation
Rating - G
FREE until 19th September 2012
“If the wars of this century were fought over oil, the wars of the next century will be fought over water.” Ismail Serageldin (1995)

On average, 1 person drinks between 2 to 4 litres of water per day but providing for their solid foods can take up to 5,000 litres of water per day. To produce 1kg of beef, it takes 40,000 litres of water. The process of growing 1 bale of Alfalfa, which is used as feed for Kobe beef, takes approximately 70,588 litres of water.

1 kg of wheat uses only 200 litres of water and 1 kg of rice uses 1,000 to 3,000 litres. With this in mind, the average vegetarian diet uses 1,135 litres per day compared to a meat eater who uses 15,141 litres of water per day. United Nations - Water (2012)

Many people do not see these facts as a tangible reason for the ongoing global water shortage. Most cannot seem to make the connection between meat production and water. 

This ebook will focus on the feasibility of maintaining a vegetarian diet and decreasing meat consumption to preserve the global water supply, while pointing out the key problem areas as to how this situation came about in the first place. It will also take a close look at the causes of the reducing water supply which include man made causes, financial gain and problems created by natural disasters or circumstances.


Perfection Unleashed by Jade Kerrion
Genre - Science Fiction / Fantasy
Rating - PG13
4.1 (16 reviews)
FREE until 20th September 2012
What would you do if you came face-to-face with perfection, and it looked just like you? Two men, one face. One man seeks to embrace destiny, the other to escape it. 

Danyael Sabre spent sixteen years clawing out of the ruins of his childhood and finally has everything he wanted--a career, a home, and a trusted friend. To hold on to them, he keeps his head down and plays by the rules. An alpha empath, he is powerful in a world transformed by the Genetic Revolution, yet his experience has taught him to avoid attention.

When the perfect human being, Galahad, escapes from Pioneer Laboratories, the illusory peace between humans and their derivatives--the in vitros, clones, and mutants--collapses into social upheaval. The abominations, deformed and distorted mirrors of humanity, created unintentionally in Pioneer Lab's search for perfection, descend upon Washington D.C. The first era of the Genetic Revolution was peaceful. The second is headed for open war.

Although the genetic future of the human race pivots on Galahad, Danyael does not feel compelled to get involved and risk his cover of anonymity, until he finds out that the perfect human being looks just like him.

Praying the Gospels with Martin Luther by Paul W Meier
Genre - Religion & Spirituality
Rating - G
4.8 (4 reviews)
FREE until 19th September 2012
Martin Luther’s writings provided a theological foundation for change in the institutional church. Now his sermons reveal that love lies at the heart of biblical interpretation and application. 

In what he considered one of his greatest works, a collection of sermons called the Church Postil, Luther explained how the biblical texts applied to the practice of daily living.

By reading a sermon excerpt with the scripture text that gave rise to it, and the corresponding prayer as your daily devotion, you’ll discover what gave Luther the courage to challenge the church like young David faced Goliath.

You’ll come away with a clear understanding of the freedom the gospel imparts, learn to discern the viability of any law by passing it through the filter of love, and discover that the truest expression of faith and love for God is found in loving one’s neighbor.

125 Best Kindle Fire Apps by Steve E Marino
Genre - NonFiction
Rating - G
5.0 (5 reviews)
FREE until 19th September 2012
The Best And Most Up-To-Date Apps For Kindle Fire/Kindle Fire HD

  • This is the 2nd Edition - UPDATED to 125 of the Best Kindle Fire Apps
  • Each app is reviewed and vetted for you by a total Kindle Fire nerd
Newly Updated To 125 to hit the 'App sweet spot'! A bigger list would have to be full of 'filler' and wouldn't be time-saving and useful. A smaller list just wouldn't be complete.

These are some of the best apps for Kindle Fire and the author has painstakingly waded through the sea of apps for you and reviewed, selected and presented the best of them all divided up into logical and useful categories. Plus, to make it even easier, each of these best kindle apps is click-and-go; just click on any app listed and you will be taken directly to that app's page in the Amazon store.

Match Me by Liz Appel
Genre - Contemporary Romance
Rating - PG
5.0 (11 reviews)
FREE until 19th September 2012
Bonnie Nichols wasn't the kind of girl to crash a wedding. Or throw things. But somehow, she ends up doing both...at her ex-boyfriend's wedding.

Bonnie has been in love with Chase Somers since elementary school and seeing him at the altar with the absolute wrong girl causes her to do the unthinkable—toss a shoe in his direction in order to try and stop it.  But she doesn’t count on the shoe knocking him out. Nor does she count on the entire church knowing it was her who did the throwing.  The shoe doesn’t stop the wedding, but it does make her the laughingstock of her town.

As Bonnie copes with both the embarrassment of her actions and the loss of the boy she has always loved, her best friend Jill attempts to yank her out of her despair by pushing her to use Match Me, an online dating service.  Despite her skepticism, Bonnie agrees to go on a few dates, dates that end up going comically bad.

Convinced that she will be single forever, an unanticipated complication causes Bonnie to take stock of her life and the people around her.  Was she really ever in love with Chase Somers? Or was loving him simply the easy thing to do? Crashing the wedding—and throwing that shoe—just may end up being the smartest thing she's ever done.

Oby's Wisdom: A Caveman's Simple Guide for Health & Well-Being by Dr. Mark William Cochran
Genre - NonFiction / Advice / Health & Fitness
Rating - G
5.0 (9 reviews)
FREE until 22nd September 2012
"Turn your health inside out!" That’s the core message of Oby’s Wisdom! A Caveman’s Simple Guide to Health and Well-being.

The author, Dr. Mark William Cochran, was virtually crippled with chronic inflammatory arthritis for years and then transformed himself into a marathon runner. On the journey to his healing miracle he discovered something he never expected. A healing miracle is within reach of everybody. Yes, even you! 

The main character of this award winning book is Obsidian J. "Oby" Stone, whose simple and timeless wisdom cuts through the fog of today's healthcare drama and teaches you how to create the holistic mindset and holistic lifestyle that will lead you to a lifelong state of vibrant health.

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Sugarbeat said...

these seem like great reads!

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Books Sold - 6 Nov 2011 to 31 May 2012

Some of you have asked me for my total number of books sold to evaluate KDP Select so here it is. Bear in mind, that results will vary based on genre and author. Good luck and remember, Keep Moving Forward.

Total - 120,836

1. Excuse Me, My Brains Have Stepped Out
Amazon Kindle - 42,559
Paperback -
Smashwords -

2. Frequent Traveller
Amazon Kindle - 35277
Paperback -
Smashwords -

3. Dora's Essentials - Books, Blogs & Smiles 1
Amazon Kindle - 462
Smashwords -

4. Mirror Me Martha (Short Story)
Amazon Kindle - 281
Smashwords -

5. Drive On Hope (Short Story)
Amazon Kindle - 190
Smashwords -

6. Blog-A-Licious Directory 2012
Amazon Kindle - 1
Smashwords -

7. Pandora's Reading Room 1
Amazon Kindle -
Paperback - N/A

8. The Cat That Barked (Short Story)
Amazon Kindle -

9. Dora's Essentials - Examining Anxiety
Amazon Kindle -

10. Dora's Essentials - Books, Blogs & Smiles 2
Amazon Kindle -

11. Elevenses from Around the World
Amazon Kindle -

12. Genetically Modified Foods vs. Sustainability
Amazon Kindle -

Blog-A-Licius - Sherbet Blossom



Dealightfully Frugal

Blog-A-Licious - The Few, The Proud, The Wife


My Soul Slippers

Blog-A-Licous - Textbook Mommy

Blog-A-Licious - Blue Frogs Legs

Blog-A-Licious - Pretty All True

Pretty All True

Blog-A-Licious - tbaoo



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Blog-A-Licious - The Invisible Art

Blog-A-Licious - Rediscovering Domesticity

Rediscovering Domesticity

Blog-A-Licious - Quiver Full

Blog-A-Licious - Cori's Big Mouth

Blog-A-Licious - Great Fun


Blog-A-Licious - Busy Wife

Blog-A-Licious - Steps To Happiness

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Blog-A-Licious - Toby & Max

Blog-A-Licious - Amelie

Raising Amelie

Blog-A-Licious - Peas In A Pod

Blog-A-Licious - Riley

Blognostics - Poetry


My Awards - September 2010

My Awards - September 2010
Awarded By Jo Frances

My Awards - May 2011

My Awards - May 2011
Awarded By Alejandro Guzman

My Awards - May 2011

My Awards - May 2011
Awarded by Kriti Mukherjee

My Awards - April 2011

My Awards - April 2011
Awarded By Roy Durham

My Awards - June 2011

My Awards - June 2011
Awarded By Sulekha Rawat

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